Beautiful Blooming Flower

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I work part-time at a hospital, and although I do not work in the front times, it is difficult. The other day was exceptionally tough. On my way to my office, I saw hospital staff leaving in tears, yelling in their cellphones, generally angry and stressed. So much turmoil for 6:00 a.m. I didn’t ask questions, deeming it inappropriate. For the next four hours, I heard the Flight for Life landing five or six times, bringing in those who were too sick to come to the hospital themselves. I heard that the lack PPE equipment continued, more things were being done to handle the deaths and some of our staff, who has been helping sanitize PPE’s, was in tears about the things they heard during the late night/early morning hours. I was at a loss for words. So, I prayed. Prayed for medical staff on the front lines, for those CV19 testing, for those holding hands of people who were so sick staff didn’t know if they would survive, for the families who could not visit them, for those dying alone, for lack of supplies, hospital beds, people protesting the “safer at home” restrictions…..the list goes on and on. There have been times when I have cried, missing my family and friends. I am sure you have too.

On my drive home that day, through my tears, I saw the above. One single beautiful flower blooming on the side of a large hill. There was nothing around it except for dead grass and sticks. What a beautiful picture of Jesus. Scripture .says in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 that Scripture says “we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not forsaken; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies, . For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you”.

What does this mean for you and me? Simply, that we will all die someday. However, what really is important is that for those of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, life is in us. We can live confidently that even if we are feeling crushed, perplexed and possibly feeling forsaken as we struggle with being confined and restricted, we can live like there is life inside us. Which there is!

How about instead of complaining about what we don’t have, that we look at what we do have? Seeing the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ and who He is; what we have available in Him. Let’s look at the beautiful blooming flower rather than the dead grass and sticks. Our lives will be different if we do.

~ Susan B.

Lessons for a New Normal

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Last night I had the wonderful privilege of viewing a Danny Gokey free concert on Facebook. One hour of Danny Gokey!! Life could not have been better. As some of you know, music is my life. Since early childhood, my life has been moved, challenged, and changed by music, to see life differently. I have been motivated in my relationship with Jesus Christ to grow and change. This is was last night’s concert did for me.

Now, I am going to give credit where credit is due. Danny shared some thoughts that I want to share with you, simply because his words (or should I say God’s words) moved me. He spoke of the Scripture verse in Jeremiah 33:3, “call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known”. Great and mighty things! Oops….I thought I knew anything

I don’t know about you, but I feel I have not used my recent “stay at home” time as productively as I could have. I have failed to reach out to others more, write more, prayed more and spend more time with my wonderful Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. I am not proud of this. Danny brought this home to me last night. One of his band members had on a t-shirt that said “wake up, create, eat, sleep, repeat”. Well, I have been waking up, eating (plenty, I might add), sleeping and repeating. What I have neglected to do is create. Create more time with Him. Create ways to help others. Create ways to work into my day more prayer time. Be disciplined to use the gifts God has given me more, which includes writing. Last night I made a conscience decision to work on all of these.

Danny ended his wise words by saying let’s just not enjoy His blessing but our relationship with Him. Let’s not leave this new normal (for now) the same way we entered it. I am going to do my best. How about you?

P.S. For those of you who are not aware of who Danny Gokey is, he was a finalist on American Idol. He is from my hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

~ Susan B.

Haven't Seen It Yet (song by Danny Gokey)

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Have you been praying and you still have no answers?
Have you been pouring out your heart for so many years?
Have you been hoping that things would have changed by now?
Have you cried all the faith you have through so many tears?

Don't forget the things that He has done before
And remember He can do it all once more

It's like the brightest sunrise
Waiting on the other side of the darkest night
Don't ever lose hope, hold on and believe
Maybe you just haven't seen it, just haven't seen it yet
You're closer than you think you are

Only moments from the break of dawn
All His promises are just up ahead
Maybe you just haven't seen it, just haven't seen it yet
Maybe you just haven't seen it, just haven't seen it yet
Maybe you just haven't seen it

He had the solution before you had the problem
He sees the best in you when you feel at your worst
So in the questioning don't ever doubt His love for you
'Cause it's only in His love that you'll find a breakthrough, oh

He had the solution before you had the problem

He is moving with a love so deep

He sees the best in you when you feel at your worst
So in the questioning don't ever doubt His love for you
'Cause it's only in His love that you'll find a breakthrough, oh

He is moving with a love so deep
Hallelujah for the victory
Good things are coming even when we can't see
We can't see it yet, but we believe that
He is moving with a love so deep
Hallelujah for the victory
Good things are coming even when we can't see
We can't see it yet, but we believe that



I REFUSE to doubt that God will look out for me and do what He knows is best.  For those who love Him, He will always make good from something not good….beauty from ashes!  I choose to believe that!

I REFUSE to hold onto guilt and shame from my past.  Jesus took all of that for me on the cross.  Why?  …to set me free and allow me to be cleansed and healed from any condemnation.  I choose to let it go once and for all!  That’s it – DONE!  And I mean it this time!

I REFUSE to continue with incessant grieving over someone or something I lost.  The devil loves to steal my joy by using this exact method.   I know that there is a natural and timely grieving process for my loss, but it should not be forever or for excessively long periods.  Even Jesus says that eventually my grief will turn to joy.  I choose to believe that!

I REFUSE to believe the scar will remain.  The scar caused by my poor decisions from my past that caused lots of pain and hurt for me and others can be healed.  I believe this!  I will not keep looking at that scar.  Instead, I am releasing it to God to heal and vanish it.

I REFUSE to fear over anything.  When God is on His throne (which is always), He is always in charge and in control.  I have nothing to fear…ever!  Nothing goes past Him without Him seeing and allowing it.  There is nothing to fear with God holding me in the palm of His hand.  I believe that I am fully protected by His mighty hand.  If evil penetrates, God allowed it for His own reasons to strengthen my faith, and show out in my life.  I believe this!

I REFUSE to relinquish victory over anything in my life.  Even though God says I should expect trouble or tough times, He walks with me through every difficulty.  Yes, I can triumph over anything that comes against me.  God’s power is the strongest and is unlimited.  I choose to believe that and live in full victory!

I REFUSE to back down against the devil.  He cannot win unless I allow Him.  Jesus’ resurrection power lives in me.  Why would I ever consider backing down against the evil one?  That power living in me is stronger than any other power that exists anywhere…ever!  I have put on the full armor of God and I am choosing to keep it on.  I can win the battle in my mind by controlling my thoughts and redirecting them back onto the Lord and His truth.  I can win the battle of my damaged emotions, hurts and brokenness; yes, I can win any battle because Jesus fights them for me.  I choose to step aside and let Jesus fight.  No plans of God’s can be thwarted and no battle is too difficult for Him.  Power and might are always in His hand and no one can withstand Him.  I choose to believe that!

I REFUSE to hold onto my strongholds (yeah, those areas where I feel defeated and where the devil has evidently taken over)!  God can demolish those strongholds when I allow Him, trust Him, and I choose to take my corrupted thoughts and align them with what He says about them.  Oh, how important it is that I safeguard my mind and heart.  If I don’t do my own thinking, I know someone who willingly steps in to do it for me.  I choose to surrender all of this to the Lord!

I REFUSE to live in misery by whining and complaining because things aren’t the way I want them to be.  I shift my focus off of what isn’t right onto what God has done for me.  He saved me from punishment of my sins, separation from Him forever, condemnation from my messy past, and living in hell for all eternity.  Yes, He saved me from all of that and so much more.  I have so much to be thankful for, so how can I even begin to complain about one thing in my life?  I choose to be thankful in everything and in every situation. 

I REFUSE to live in hell on earth.  Jesus died to give me abundant life on this earth and I am surrendering every detail of my life to Him so that I can live the crazy-amazing, lavished-in-His- love kind of life that He wants for me!  I am letting Him in right now!

I REFUSE to keep my Bible closed!  I am making a decision to open the communication lines with my Savior who adores me and has so much to tell me!  Jesus, I am ready and I give you permission to tell me everything I need to hear!

I REFUSE to keep looking back at that one, horrible “thing” that happened that completely changed everything.  That “thing” isn’t going to revert back, but God has the power to change how I see that “thing.”  He has the power to teach me to see it as He sees it.  He sees it as forgiven, absolved, a necessary, but brief (particularly compared to eternity) interruption or mishap.  God allowed this “thing” to miraculously change me in significant ways for the better!  This “thing” is achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs all of my troubles.  God says to fix my eyes on what is unseen because that has eternal benefits.  I quit looking backwards and choose to see this “thing” as God does.

I REFUSE to allow anything to steal my peace.  I put the Lord first, I overlook offenses, I choose not to remember junk, I do the right thing, I forgive quickly, I praise the Lord regularly, I consider others before myself, I give away what I have, I have mercy on others, I love those who persecute me, and I live humbly with my Savior.  I ask God to help me with all of this, keeping my mind steadfast, trusting Him.  Then, I live in complete peace.  I choose to believe that God’s ways are always doable!

I REFUSE to see myself as ugly (inside or outside).  I practice meditating on what God says about me.  He looks at my heart.  Since that is true, I work on meditating on things that delight the Lord.  I meditate on being good to others, encouraging others, and blessing others.  My heart is changing as I choose these things.  When the inside of me changes for the better, the outside of me follows.  Outer beauty comes from inner beauty.  I am a child of God, His special creation, and the apple of His eye.  I look in the mirror each day and say, “today you’re looking really good – more like Jesus!”  Then I praise the Lord for His work in my life!

 ~ Kelly Ann Bradicich

"What I Need Is You" (song by David Phelps)

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I can fool my closest friends
I can fool my loved ones too
I can fool myself but then
Lord, I know I can't fool you
I am walking wounded, broken
I want back the joy I knew
I want something real to hope in
Jesus what I need is you
I don't need a voice of thunder
For me to believe it's true
I don't need a sign or wonder
Jesus what I need is you
I've been such a great pretender
But it's wearing on my soul
I've no terms for my surrender
Help me Jesus, make me whole
I don't need a voice of thunder
For me to believe it's true
I don't need a sign or wonder
Jesus what I need is you
I'm so tired of being afraid
Sadness knocking on my door
If you can fix this mess I've made
Take me, take me now
I'm yours
I don't need a voice of thunder
For me to believe it's true
I don't need a sign or wonder
Jesus what I need is you

Does Jesus Really Know or Understand?

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There have been questioning times in my life where this question has come to the forefront of my life.  How about you?  It nags and nags me until I start feeling guilty.  Then I feel guilty that I feel guilty and am questioning.  What a merry-go-round!! 

I just recently went through this game (if I dare call it that).  It was a time that I wondered how my rent would be paid because of a massive amount of unexpected bills.  First, I was mad. Then anxious and fearful.  THEN, I decided to take it before the Lord.  Why do I generally take it to the Lord as the last resort?  A big hmmmmm....

Now, I have a part time job valeting parking.  You would think that tips would be good, not the case.  One day I picked up a car to deliver it to its owner.  She had a Christian radio station on.  I love this, when it happens.  She pressed some money into my palm and told me to have a blessed day.  When I looked she had given me a $20 bill.  She had no idea of my situation.  

The next day I picked up another car, again having money put in my palm, all folded up.  I shoved it my pocket because I was busy.  When I had a chance to look at it, it was a $100 bill.  I was shocked. I asked someone if it was real and, yes, it was.  I didn't take it to bank for several days because I kept expecting her to come back and claim it.  Really, Susan (that's me)?? Shame on me.  I had forgotten to say, Thank you, Jesus! Will I ever learn? 

So, does He know and care about our every need?  You betcha. Did my rent get paid?  You betcha!! 

~ Susan B

All My Wealth is in The Cross

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For me, finances lately have been tight.  I find myself having to take on a job after not working for four years since my retirement.  Ugh. I am not able right now to give as I love to do.  I have been disappointed in myself and have felt that the Lord is disappointed with me also.  Just at the right time, my pastor spoke on  2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 which says that each one must give as he has decided in his heart to give.  Well, initially this confirmed my guilty feelings.  But, wait!! He went on to say that these verses are not about money.  The word heart here means understanding grace.  The Lord doesn't care about how much money I make....He cares about my heart and understanding the grace He has blessed me with. Instead of feeling guilty, I need to be thanking that He has given me a job, for however long I need it, to make ends meet.  Where is the guilt coming from? Certainly not from the Lord.  Jesus wants me to understand that my wealth does not come from money, but in fully understanding that all my wealth is in the Cross.  Amen to that!!!

~ Susan B.

Real Joy

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A friend recently asked me if I thought I had lost my joy, I guess because life has been difficult for me for awhile.  I thought about it and replied "no, not my joy but perhaps a bit of my happiness".  You see, happiness depends on my circumstances, joy depends on my relationship with Jesus Christ. I recently read an article in Just Between Us magazine. It spoke of kickstarting one's joy. I Thessalonians 5: 16-18 states to rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances because this is God's will for us in Jesus Christ.

So, I made a conscience decision to do this.  I sing out loud, listen to the Bible on my Wonder Bible, tell others about what God is doing in my life, and journal about what He has done in my life in the past, His goodness, grace and faithfulness.  I marvel at His timing, making this article available  to me at just the right time, with its awesome suggestions. Is God real? Yes, He is. Does He care about our joy? Yes, He does. Happiness is fleeting, joy is not if we put our trust in Jesus Christ.

Susan B.


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In this ever-changing world, it is difficult to put one's trust in anything. In my opinion, our society has become one of entitlement, selfishness, and "me first".  How did we get to where we are? I have seen the changes come slowly, as our family structures have broken down, greed has taken over, and road rage is prevalent because "my stuff" is more important than yours. How sad. How it must grieve the heart of God.  For those of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He has called us to something different. We are to exhibit the love of Christ, reach out to those who don't know Him, show grace and forgiveness, and most of all, put our total trust in the One who has shown reckless love in pursuing us.  Malachi 3:6 says, "For I the Lord do not change".  Even though the world around us is changing, we can rest and trust in the fact that He never does. How wonderful!

Susan B.


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Each new year brings with it, for me, a time of self-evaluation and goal setting.  As I have evaluated last year, I find I am not happy with some areas. One such area is my spiritual growth and walk with Jesus.  I have found myself trying to fool my closest friends, loved ones, myself and Jesus.  How silly, trying to fool Jesus.  I imagine Him looking at me and saying, "now Susan, what are you doing?"  This year I have been broken and sometimes briefly lost my hope and joy.  Life brings hardships and challenges.  How we face these makes all the difference between a life of anger, resentment, weariness, fear, or thankfulness, joy and a realization that Jesus is in control and nothing touches me except those things that have passed through His nail-scarred hands.  Jesus can fix the messes I find I am in.  I learned a long time ago that I don't need a voice of thunder for me to believe He is there. My goal for this year is to come to a more complete vision of Jesus, who He is and what He has in store for me.  Quite the challenge, right?  To accomplish this means, for me, to surrender to Him, asking for help, and marvel at His faithfulness. I am looking forward to this, knowing that all I need is Jesus.  

Susan B.

The Fight

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My dad loved watching boxing.  Me? Guess I never saw the benefit of beating up another person.  However, now that I box with my trainer, I love it.  I can use my boxing gloves for a useful purpose, getting out aggression towards life challenges.  As I write this, I am listening to a song that states we must fight for ourselves and each other.  What does this mean?  How about wearing our boxing gloves (mine are pink for breast cancer) and fighting the battle?  For ourselves.  For others.  For violence. For God's forgiveness for our nation's sin. For mine and your sin.  Whoever said life would be easy? Certainly not Jesus.  He promises to be right alongside us during the trials and tribulations brought our way. He does not promise life will be easy.  So, put on your boxing gloves and get ready for life!  ~ Susan B.